🇮🇹 Abbiamo sempre lavorato in modo da rendere la Becca un evento che unisca sport, natura, buon cibo e allegria in un grande momento di aggregazione. Organizzarla rispettando le misure di distanziamento sociale anti-coronavirus andrebbe contro l’anima stessa della manifestazione.
A malincuore abbiamo deciso di rinviare le gare al 2021.. Stay tuned!
🇬🇧 We’ve always been working to make Becca an event uniting sport, nature, good food and cheerfulness in a unique moment for gathering together and enjoying all of this.
Organizing our event in the respect of the social distancing parameters to tackle covid-19 would go against the real essence of our race.
That is why, with a heavy heart, we decided to postpone the event to next year.
See you in 2021. Stay tuned!
🇫🇷 We've always worked to make the Becca di Nona a unique event! A set of sport, nature, eating well and cheerfulness combined in a moment of conviviality and aggregation. Organizing such an event in accordance with the measures of social remoteness due to conoravirus would mean going against the very principle of the demonstration.
Reluctantly we are forced to postpone the event until 2021. stay tuned!